Throwing a Halloween party can cause more stress than joy. At RED, we have you coveRED with various options to make your guests feel as if your Halloween party was planned by a professional. Here are the top must-have items we offer that will make your Halloween bash a success. Prefer a professional do the work? We’re happy to help!

Host Costume

The Best Halloween Event Essentials

A host cannot have a Halloween party and not wear an awesome costume. We offer a variety of costume pieces to create a perfect ensemble outfit that will leave your guests in awe.

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Sound System

The Best Halloween Event Essentials

Music can make or break a party; it influences the mood you’re trying to evoke. Our powerful Bluetooth speakers can be placed in various locations around your home while eliminating an entangled cord nightmare.

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Pumpkin Décor

The Best Halloween Event Essentials

A Halloween party without pumpkin décor is not a Halloween party. Lucky for you, we have an assortment of decorations that will solve any issue you may have.

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Fog Machine

The Best Halloween Event Essentials

Add to the swizzle stick ambiance by using a fog machine around your house and cementing yourself as the best Halloween party host ever.

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Treats Tote

The Best Halloween Event Essentials

Whether you’re an adult or child, everyone loves freebies. By customizing one of our many treat totes, you’ll be giving your guests the ultimate parting gift and indeed make it a Happy Halloween.

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